Aircraft Data Sheet: Pterodactyl lA & lB (1928)

Pterodactyl lA & lB
First flight: June 1928
Span: 13.87m/45ft 6ins
Length: 5.18m/17ft 0ins
Max weight: 408kg/900lb
Max level speed: 61knots/113kph
Power plant: One 32shp/48kW Bristol Cherub lll. (Pterodactyl la)
One 70shp/52kW Armstrong Siddeley Genet. (Pterodactyl lb)
Total built: One

The Pterodactyl l was the first of a series of experimental designs undertaken by Westland working with Capt. Geoffrey Hill to investigate the handling qualities of tailess aircraft. A control system consisting of wing tip 'elevons' and trailing edge flap/rudders was perfected and an extensive flight programme followed. A single prototype was built.