Aircraft Data Sheet: Woodpidgeon l & ll (1924)

Woodpidgeon l & ll
First flight: 17th September 1924
Span: 8.23m/27ft 0ins
Length: 6.32m/20ft 9ins
Max weight: 401kg/885lb
Max level speed: 61knots/113kph
Power plant:

One 32shp/24kW Bristol Cherub lll (Woodpidgeon l)
One 60shp/45kW anzani radial (Woodpidgeon ll)

Total built: 2

The little Woodpidgeon was built as a response to the Air Ministry's Light Aeroplane Competition of 1924. Westland also produced a monoplane entry, the Widgeon which proved superior and as a consequence only two prototypes were built, the second of which was larger in an attempt to improve the performance.